Showroom, warehouse, office, and storage units.
Home » Commercial & Industrial » GOVERNOR ROAD
45 warehouses and 43 storage spaces prominent position with dual frontages by Alpha14 Group. JCA are working on the subdivision and engineering on this project.
Design administration for the Civil Works including forwarding design plans and computations to Client and Council/DoT to obtain approval, negotiations with Council/DoT etc. leading to approved plans suitable for construction. Service Authority Conditions and Design Co-ordinating of other consultants associated with detail design of the project. JCA are undertaking additional level and feature survey along Governor Road to facilitate detail design of external civil works.
Detail Design – Internal & External Civil Works, Functional Layout Plans, Detailed Design and Documentation, including drainage provisions. Street Lighting and Associated Electrical Works, suppling contract negotiations, public lighting electrical designs and Overhead Asset Augmentation/Relocation along Governor Road. JCA will also obtain Construction Tenders and Contract Administration for all works designed by the JCA team.